
Don't let the stress of caregiving lead to the loss of your valuable staff.

Introducing the Avanlee app: the comprehensive caregiver app for self-care, resource support, and remote monitoring for aging parents.

29% of your employees are family caregivers

Your caregiver staff is suffering and isolated.

29% of the U.S. population (over 65 million people!) provide care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or friend during any given year. These caregivers spend an average of 20 hours per week providing care for their loved one.

These caregivers are in your workplace.

See how the Avanlee app can bring relief to your staff and increase productivity.

Empower family caregivers with essential resources and support.

Added Value

Remotely monitor an aging parent's health

Create a supportive workplace for your employee caregivers

Well-being at work: supporting caregivers for enhanced performance and focus

Maximize workforce presence and reduces absenteeism

Retain your top talent and safeguard your competitive edge

Reduce emotional distress, isolation, or loneliness through the assistance of a support team



  • Wellness & self-care management system with Caregiver Strain Index
  • Training and skill development guides
  • Assemble and activate personalized support team

Care receiver

  • Walmart shopping & delivery
  • Biometric monitoring & alerts
  • Event scheduling
  • Medication tracking
  • Build a team of trusted advocates

Don't lose your people to the challenges of caregiving.

Sleep depravation’s detrimental effects on performance are well documented, and unforeseen caregiving responsibilities can result in increased absenteeism and difficulties in maintaining focus.

Can your organization afford to lose 39% of its caregiving staff to the demanding journey of caring for loved ones? The Avanlee app is here to assist you in addressing this critical reality affecting 29% of your workforce. It empowers your employees to navigate caregiving responsibilities while maintaining performance, engagement, and well-being.


7 out of 10 employee caregivers suffer in silence at work.


70% of caregivers exhibit clinical signs of depression.

Gaps in caregiver support have significant negative impacts on the caregiver's own health.


80% of caregivers report a loss of productivity at work.

Working caregivers are forced to balance professional and personal responsibilities without adequate tools.

Don't risk the momentum of your business.

The challenges experienced by your caregivers have a direct impact on your business and its bottom line. Failing to address these challenges can put your employees at risk and lead to a loss of momentum and profit. It is crucial to recognize the significance of supporting your caregivers to ensure the well-being of your workforce and the sustained success of your business.

By prioritizing caregiver support, you can mitigate risks, maintain productivity, and secure profitability for the long term.

  • 75% of your employees face some caregiving responsibility
  • 92% report heightened stress, depression, or trouble sleeping
  • Most (70%) of employee caregivers silently bear the burden of their responsibilities while on the job

Productivity Suffers

  • The average caregiver takes off 21 days a year to provide care
  • 83% use sick or leave time to provide care
  • 80% of caregivers express that their responsibilities have had a noticeable impact on their work

Recruitment is expensive

  • 39% of caregivers leave their job to have more time to care for a loved one. 34% leave because their work does not provide flexible hours (NAC, AARP)
  • For midrange positions, the cost to replace an employee is around 20% of their annual salary. When it comes to replacing people in executive positions, costs may reach up to 213% of their average salary

You have X employees (29% of your staff) acting as unpaid family caregivers.

Your caregiver staff misses an average of 12 hours a month, worth $X.

X of your employees are struggling with clinical depression. This represents 70% of your staff.

X of your caregivers (39% of your staff) will likely leave their jobs to deal with their caregiving duties.

It can cost your company around $X to replace these employees.

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There's a better way.

Family caregivers have to struggle anymore. We invite you to lower your stress and enjoy caregiving with Avanlee - the all-in-one app transforming the caregiver journey.

download & setup in minutes

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